Monday, December 19, 2011

What I want from

I like github, it's probably the primary reason I use git. Here's what I'd like about it to change:

Add a forum/mailing-list. It should be like a simple web forum, but also work as a mailing list via email

When you fork or branch a github repository, you lose both the wiki and issue tracker. For this reason, I think the wiki and issue tracker should be stored in a _directory_ in github. For bonus points, they should be very readable in a plain-text format.

The wiki is lame, especially when you're using git. Instead of a wiki, it should html pages. You'd still keep the WYSIWYG interface (like blogger), but it should make a commit to the actual repository (ala google code) and the underlying stuff should be plain-old html (probably only allow a subset of it). Html has a bad rep, but it's completely undeserved (maybe a separate blog post on that) and has the huge advantage of I can actually view it locally. It's quite important (imho) to be on a per-branch basis.

Also the current website concept is very lame. And almost entirely because its in it's own (shared-nothing) branch (gh-pages), which makes it very difficult to locally look at the website (when I'm coding), as well to make it track my dev branches. This could be unified with the html-wiki somehow.